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- Advocate the practical policies that will advance that future
- Engage people at all levels of politics and society around the world, to support and implement these policies
- Support transhumanists within political parties of all shapes and stripes
Transhumanism (H+) is a way of thinking about the future that is based on the premise that the human species in its current form does not represent the end of our development but rather a comparatively early phase. [Quoted from the Transhumanist FAQ]
As the philosopher Max More stated in 1990:
Transhumanism is a class of philosophies of life that seek the continuation and acceleration of the evolution of intelligent life beyond its currently human form and human limitations by means of science and technology, guided by life-promoting principles and values.
In short, transhumanism anticipates tomorrow’s humanity:
- Envisaging the positive qualities and characteristics of future intelligent life
- Taking steps towards achieving these qualities and characteristics
- Identifying and managing risks of negative characteristics of future intelligent life.
Similarly, Transpolitica (P+) anticipates tomorrow’s politics:
- Envisaging the positive qualities and characteristics of future social structures
- Taking steps towards achieving these qualities and characteristics
- Identifying and managing risks of negative characteristics of future social structures.
Roadmap to Abundance, Flourishing, and Transcendence, by 2035
- Published in January 2024
- Full information, including availability
A universal transhumanist invitation
- 怎么在电脑上用谷歌
- Full information, including availability
追梦加速器破解版下载|追梦加速器免费破解版下载_软件侠下载站:2021-11-7 · 追梦加速器手机版是一款专为海外华人打造的手游加速软件,对于海外游戏玩家来说,网络速度不快容易影响游戏体验,追梦加速器支持各类手游游戏加速,高速方便,一键加速就可众使用
- Published in February 2018
- Information about the book – and links to where it can be purchased
- Video preview of the book
- Audio versions of selected chapters.
Older Transpolitica books
- “Anticipating Tomorrow’s Politics” (March 2015)
- “Envisioning Politics 2.0” (June 2015)
Transpolitica 2016
For details of the conference Transpolitica 2016: Real world policy changes for a radically better future:
- The agenda (speakers and topics; also video recordings of the talks)
- Online reviews of the event (meetup page)
- A brief video preview of the contents of the event
- Questions and comments raised at the event
- Press release summary of the event: Technology is eating politics.